Mexican Navy (Marina)
Under direct contract to the Secretaria de Marina (SEMAR), SSTL International provided the Mexican Naval Aviation School in La Paz B.C.S with critical design intervention, our UET-MH simulator, overhead hoist, training structures (jumping/hoisting platform and simulated ship’s hull), environmental effects (waves, wind, rain, sound, lighting, fog) capabilities; and Train-the-Trainer programs (HUET, sea survival, parachute drag and drop) for instructors, facility operators, simulator technicians and divers.
The Centro de Capacitacion Integral de Supervivencia en la Mar (CECAISMAR) or Comprehensive Training Center for Sea Survival is the largest survival training pool in the Americas – Olympic size at 50m length by 25m wide.
SSTL also supplied the facility with staff instructional and diving equipment, a dedicated classroom, and Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS) units to enhance the delivery of HUET training programs with the latest in Helicopter Emergency Egress Device (HEEDS) technology.